luni, 25 mai 2009

Wherever I go I feel lucky

Peste tot e bine unde ajung
Instant Inner Light & Happiness and other FX.
Neo-bizantinism de pe Naboo cu viziunea contemporana a unor modele vii latino.
Manierismul emigrantilor ilegali face sa mearga curentul pe fir.

Text: Stefan Tiron (din catalogul expozitiei GRAND PRIX REMIX).

acrilic pe pinza, 120X100 cm, 2004

Wherever I go I feel lucky
Instant Inner Light & Happiness and other FX.
Naboo Neo-Byzantinism with contemporary visions of Latino role-models.
Illegal Emigrants mannerisms keep the juice flowing.

Text: Stefan Tiron (from GRAND PRIX REMIX exhibition catalog).

acrylic on canvas, 120X100 cm, 2004

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